Clerkenwell Design Week is a highlight in our calendar, and this year’s visit was particularly inspiring. The Wylde girls set out to discover innovative designs and trends, and the bustling streets of Clerkenwell offered just that. Here’s a recap of our visit and how it sparked new ideas for our interior architecture and design projects. We managed to cram in as much as we could whilst also taking the time to take it all in; here are some of our highlights!

Hush Office’s range of acoustic pods and workspaces left a lasting impression. The sleek designs and integration of technology to create flexible, productive spaces emphasised the blend of aesthetics and functionality, a concept we incorporate into our own projects – we love to see it!

Muuto’s Scandinavian design principles of simplicity, minimalism, and functionality resonated with us also. Their use of natural materials and muted colour palettes reinforced our belief in the beauty of understated elegance and inspired us to incorporate scandi-simplistic and stylish elements to create timeless interior spaces.

At Flokk, we explored ergonomic seating solutions that focus on sustainability and comfort. Their use of recycled materials and innovative designs to promote better posture and well-being highlighted the importance of creating environments that support productivity and health, a principle we aspire to integrate into our own design schemes.

Frem Group’s workspace solutions, blending technology with contemporary design, sparked ideas for dynamic and adaptable office environments. Their modular systems and collaborative workspaces offer fab solutions to the modern day workspace.

Milliken’s vibrant carpet designs, with their bold patterns and sustainable materials, drew the eyes to the potential of using flooring as a statement piece – something that Wylde has been doing with Milliken products in our own projects for some time! Thinking more creatively about how flooring can enhance interior design transforms the way users experience and use any space.

Boss Design’s sophisticated office furniture showcased a perfect blend of comfort and elegance. Their focus on creating collaborative spaces with high-quality finishes provided us with ideas for elevating our own designs, ensuring that our spaces are always inviting and professional.

Frovi’s bold and playful furniture designs, with bright colours and innovative forms, reminded us to think outside the box. Their approach to creating dynamic spaces is something we’re love to incorporate in our own work – particularly in projects aimed at fostering creativity and collaboration.

Ocee and Four’s range of seating and acoustic solutions highlighted the importance of comfort and functionality. Their flexible and adaptable designs are gorgeous, especially in creating comfortable and efficient workspaces.

Verco’s contemporary office furniture, with its innovative use of materials and attention to detail, reminded us that thoughtful design can transform any space. Their designs inspire us to focus on the finer aspects of creating productive and aesthetically pleasing environments!

We then headed to Senator for burgers and a little get together – a lively atmosphere surrounded by stylish furniture designs, we’ll always check out Senator’s solutions for products with a focus on inclusive and collaborative workspaces helping facilitate environments that are both functional and engaging.

We also somehow made time to visit several exhibition venues – Platform 5, The Goldsmiths Centre, Ceramics of Italy, and Detail – providing a rich tapestry of inspiration too! From cutting-edge architectural designs to intricate craftsmanship and high-end furniture, each venue added unique layers of creativity that have fuelled our ideas!

Clerkenwell Design Week was an incredible experience, leaving us brimming with new ideas. The innovative designs, sustainable practices, and creative solutions we encountered will influence our upcoming interior architecture and design projects. We’re excited to integrate these fresh perspectives, creating spaces that are beautiful, functional, and inspiring.

Here’s the full gallery! Enjoy –