A week ago our very own Founder and Director Tracey Wylde featured in the Bristol 24/7 online editorial platform. The article written by Ellie Pipe can be found here or reads as follows:

Tracey Wylde is the founder of Wylde IA, an award-winning independent interior design consultancy based in Lawrence Hill. The business has been trading for more than 21 years and specialises in creative workplace design, working with clients throughout the UK and Europe.

How did you start out in business?

I was three months pregnant with my daughter, Chloe, and already had Jack, who was three years old. I wanted to be able to work flexibly, so thought the best thing to do was to set up my own business.

If you knew then what you know now, what mistakes might you have avoided?

Mistakes are how you learn so I’m not sure I would have avoided any. Even if you’re really great at what you do, learning to set up and run a company is a completely separate thing and something I picked up along the way.

What advice would you have given yourself when starting out?

Set out and stick to a clear vision of how you want your business to work and look like. If you want to work four days rather than five every week then stick to it. Remember why you started your business in the first place.

If you knew then what you know now, would you still be sitting there?

Absolutely, Yes! It’s the best thing I ever did.

What do you know now that you didn’t know then?

I didn’t appreciate how rewarding choosing who you work with would be. Over the years I have worked with some amazing talent, allowing me to achieve so much more than I ever would have done alone.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received so far?

Don’t try and do everything yourself. Know what you’re good at and stick to it. Learn to pick and choose the things you do best and fill other tasks with skilled people that can do those things better than you.

What is your business highlight?

The completion of every job is a highlight for me. The thrill of delivering a project you’ve designed to a happy client never diminishes.

What is your business low point?

I’ve not had many low points to be honest, but moving offices whilst trying to service a heavy work load at the same time is something I wouldn’t want to repeat.

What keeps you awake?

Our projects are many and varied so I’ve usually got multiple schemes swirling around my head.

What’s changed from when you started out?

We’ve now got a good core team at Wylde IA which is wonderful. It’s great to be able to share the ups and downs with the team safe in the knowledge they’re all as invested as I am.

What’s still on your to-do list?

I’d love to run a wool shop. The idea of something that’s creative whilst manageable in scale is very appealing.

What’s next for Wylde IA?

We’ve been developing our activity- based working skills knowledge which is going to be very hot in our sector. And maybe even a Wylde IA hotel – I’d love that.

Check out BS24/7 here.