This week our Wylde insight is covering the subject of busyness being bad for business. We’re all familiar with the idea of being busy looking like you’re achieving more – after all social media is crammed with posts of people excelling at work and having a totally full and active social and family life. How can this be? Saying yes to everything actually in turn means you are making yourself unavailable to other opportunities, because you’re already too booked up to take anything else on.

Its very important that we don’t confuse being busy with being productive. Being constantly on the go doesn’t necessarily equate to the best results or work being done. It’s crucial to take time. At Wylde we allocate time at the being of the week and during each day to catch up with one another, check in on our projects, align schedules and plan. It’s strategy and careful consideration that allows for effective productivity and quality work.

Balance is necessary! Having a fulfilling social life and meaningful relationships outside of the workplace is conducive to living a happy life – but you need time to rest, sleep and think. Make sure your schedule has space – back to back timetabling leaves no room for real-life changes or flexibility and in turn can turn an immaculately scheduled day into absolute chaos very quickly.

Time considerations need to include travelling, thinking and researching. Good work requires creative thinking, problem solving and practical application – not just sitting down and doing! In a time where there is continuous stimulation and access to information, the key to successful productivity is setting boundaries to your busyness!

We believe the key to productivity is through managing your responsibilities, being aware of your time constraints and available resources whilst actively instilling boundaries around how busy you are. You can get a lot done when you’re not doing much, but you can’t do more than you have capacity to when you’re overly busy.

Busyness is bad for business!