This week in the Wylde blog we’re looking at dark and moody design concepts for interior spaces. As we’re start the month of October we begin to hunker down for the colder seasons and we’re opting for darker palettes and spaces to hide away in! Dark spaces appeal to the senses – as one sense can be desensitised to heighten another – so focus can be thrown onto touch as we layer fabrics and create soft cocoon like areas to nestle into.

Post-pandemic interior design is about self-sufficiency and privacy – creating spaces we feel comfortable and safe in whilst being practical enough to work from and exist in long-term. Spending more time at home has meant we have re-prioritised functionality as well as aesthetics. The longer nights and colder climates approaching (paired with soaring energy bills) have made us all think about how to create initimate and secluded space to huddle up and be warm.

With classicism making a huge comeback this winter, we’re seeing opulent decor and intricate detailing paired with rich colours and elegant finishes. This is where dark and moody colour palettes come into their own! Traditionally blue wouldn’t be your first call for a cosy colour scheme but this year we’re seeing inky royal blues and luxurious teals paired with warm golds and brassy coppers for darker nooks and comfy corners.

Dark and moody tones make for a contemplative zone to curl up with a book or watch a film and forget about the outside world. Winter interior design should be about introspection and making a space where if you had to, you wouldn’t mind hibernating in until the warmer months return again. We love to see bottle greens matched with timber and warm copper tones and ultramarine blues spiced up with hot oranges and sumptuous burgundies.

Remember dark and moody doesn’t have to be depressing – here’s an inspo gallery to get those autumn-winter interior design ideas flowing!