This week in the Wylde blog we’re reflecting on our workshop we hosted alongside MONTROC Consulting at the Business Cyber Centre in Chippenham a couple of weeks ago. Our event ‘Hybrid for Humans’ deep dived into the psychology behind making spaces and environments fit for purpose and putting the user at the centre. The theory behind hybrid-working is firmly rooted in flexibility and awareness of how to strengthen organisations from the very core.

The thing about creating the optimal working environment is the need to consider everyone’s individual needs and preferences. An understanding of our unique preferences, identities and personalities across an organisation is a crucial step to providing a work environment that caters to everyone. Moreover, how each individual (along with their preferences!) fits in with others is the key to creating a dynamic workforce. The need to not only accept but to integrate everyone’s personality profiles into the office has been a longstanding one – more recently we’ve seen a switch to more agile workplaces, prioritising balance.

In-office productive harmony requires a true level of care. Caring about the needs and requirements of every individual in the team means getting to know and understand them. Our workshops provide a basis to get to know your teams better, to understand why and what works for them. This knowledge in turn allows for more meaningful and successful co-working and productivity whilst helping to direct design and layout strategy.

Our partners at MONTROC Consulting are accredited Lumina practitioners who run immersive ‘Personality and Space’ workshops – a great way to get leaders (and functional heads) to think differently about the whys, hows and whats of Workspace, Technology, and Behaviours in and out of the office. An understanding of the personalities in our teams will inform decision making with regards to how, where and when we choose to work. Today’s working environment needs to be hybrid and flex to the requirements of all of us –  in order to get the most out of your workspace, whether its reshaping the existing building or moving to a new one – it’s vital to understand what your need from your new space.

We work to help clients analyse the ways in which they work and how they could work better. The next stage is to assist clients in devising an appropriate interior design strategy to inform the design process. A necessary part of this is collecting data on all aspects of the workplace through observation, audits, interviews, online questionnaires and workshops. The data can then be used to establish space requirements and ways of working best suited to the teams and business. Ultimately the benefits include, space efficiency, flexibility for future changes, accommodating growth and changes of head-count, improved communication and collaboration, a stronger brand, reduced running costs, attracting new talent, staff engagement, well being, improved morale and productivity!

Here are some snaps from our ‘Hybrid for Humans’ event – keep your eyes peeled for our next one!