For our topic this week in the Wylde blog, we’re looking at how to stop imposter syndrome and start the month of May feeling motivated and confident in the workplace – or wherever else you’ve been doubting yourself or your ability.

So, imposter syndrome – the majority of us have experienced this in some form at some point – that feeling of doubting yourself and feeling somewhat like a fraud in whatever you’re accomplishing. Imposter syndrome almost ironically affects big achievers disproportionately – people who question if they are deserving of the success, accolades or achievements.

Feeling like a phoney within our professional lives affects the more anxious among us. Whether it’s receiving a promotion, getting funding, landing a dream contract or partnership – whatever it is, these successes leave imposter syndrome sufferers (said to be over 82% of workers!) wondering if they have earned what they have achieved and wonder if they will be “found out” to be incapable or unworthy. No more! Here are some ways to combat these feelings and thoughts, allowing yourself to chase and develop your professional ambitions.

The reason Imposter Syndrome isn’t just a humble reaction to doing well, is because of how sufferers react to the feelings it brings up often leading to overworking, or self sabotage and procrastination.

The first step is to look at the real facts and truth of the situation. Regularly acknowledging accomplishments is a hugely important activity in self-growth, confidence building and also making note of your journey and development in real-time. It’s easy to feel like someone else out there might be more qualified to do what you’re doing but if you committed to the work or took 5 courses then the chances are you have more than earned the right to be where you are. Look back, take stock of where you were 5 years ago, the hurdles you have overcome, what you have learned and how you have adapted.

It’s crucial in the process of acknowledging the journey, that you celebrate the successes you have had. If you hold yourself to an unrealistic standard of perfection, then there’s no wonder you don’t feel like you are deserving of the position you are in. In the same vein, if you obsess over your failures rather than what you have overcome, then accepting success will feel like a stretch too far.

Be mindful – cultivate self-compassion and recognise the feelings you’re having and what they are in reaction to. The workplace is an innately competitive environment and often unhealthily so it can be helpful to stop comparing yourself and your achievements to those around you. You are not the people around you and you deserve your achievements!