For our last blog in November (can you believe it?!) we’re looking at Neo-Classical interior design. This is a design concept based on the homes of wealthy westerners in the 1700 and 1800s – it’s about elegance and sophistication. This style is more modest and muted than extravagant or opulent design schemes where all possessions and wealth are on display! Bring this concept into the modern day and we’re talking all things symmetrical, ordered and balanced with a few, carefully selected, fancy elements on show.

Neo classical interiors often have fairly formal furniture arrangements and grand focal points such as careful selected art, chandeliers or light features and even structures like mantlepieces or spiral staircases. Fear not – even if you don’t happen to live in a mansion there are some really simple ways to incorporate the elegant yet functional aspects of this design concept.

The first step is to have a very carefully considered colour palette – neo-classical is usually fairly refined, so creams, whites and pale blues to allow the focal points to really leap out! Simplicity is key, so pair darker accents or furnishings with light walls – or open up spaces that surround more opulent features such as ornate lighting, marble surfaces or artwork! We do love design that highlight the “neo” edge of neoclassical design – modern twists on classical artwork, flowers and floral prints combined with daring pops of colour!

It’s important to amplify scale, the can be done with large mirrors that bounce natural light around the room. Large rugs and ceiling to floor curtains are also great ways to embrace scale within a room – and if you’re lucky enough to be starting from scratch in your space – adding panelling to the walls or vertical columns can be the perfect way to embrace the neo-classical style.

We love metallic additions to interior design schemes so match your frames, light stands and ornaments –  neo-classical frames should feature clean lines and symmetrical details although for added visual interest anything that has been hand-carved and gilded will add bonus point for neoclassical design!

Check out our neo-classical interior design inspiration here;