In typical British fashion, we’ve entered May with gale force winds and freezing cold rain, so in this week’s blog we’ve decided to bring some summer design schemes in to give you some warm weather inspiration. We’ve been staying put for so long during the global pandemic that we’re enjoying taking the time to remember what it’s like to go on holiday.

Obviously it’s the sunshine and blue skies that really make all the difference but it terms of design, it’s often the architecture and layout of a space that brings the outdoors in. We’re talking natural light and open areas with views and access to the outside!

One of the most relaxing aspects of most people’s vacations is being surrounded by blue and green space. The power of blue space refers to the relaxing and reformative qualities of spending time near water such as by the seas or at a lake or river. Much like spending time in greenery, it has been scientifically proven that wellbeing is improved and moods boosted. We know that our appreciation of the great outdoors has increased during lockdown as we became limited to where we could go and even how many times we could go out. The British summer means we can’t be guaranteed to enjoy sunshine and warm weather for our staycations so we can only dream of warm turquoise waters and white sands.

We think a great exercise in adding a bit of summer to your own interior design scheme is by introducing tropical plants and seasonal flowers into your space. We also love the idea of nodding to holidays with nostalgic artwork, prints but also with textiles such as mosaics, tiles and fabrics.

We’ve created a gallery which includes some holiday and hot weather summer design inspiration, just to get you through this wintery spell before (hopefully) we get a summer of our own!