Look no further – this is the Christmas Design blog you’re after. It’s here – it’s the Christmas week and as everything simultaneously ramps up and winds down towards the festivities this weekend we’re giving you a little something to relax and read! Now get comfy and grab a mince pie because we’re indulging in the ultimate festive design schemes.

We’ve looked at Winter White schemes and how to do December Decorations, so this week we’re going all out and analysing some stunning Christmas interior design schemes. Make notes for next year! As is the trick with all interior design – there needs to be a strategy! There is a temptation at this time of year to bundle as many sparkly, bauble or holly related things onto the walls but less is more. Carefully considered design is key to any successful space, so set out your rules and stick to them.

Colour is a great place to start. Choose a palette that enhances the architecture of the space you’re decorating. Often Christmas is the season where we’re actually adding items into a room rather than decluttering, so use brighter and lighter palettes for smaller areas, use light effectively and keep decorations to dedicated areas rather than drawing the eye all over the room and making it feel cramped.

Go with your existing colour palette – Christmas doesn’t have to be the traditional reds and golds – you can incorporate these tones into your wrapping paper, tinsel and tree decor – its this level of consideration that will make a room look well designed. Here are some examples of rooms with lighter schemes that still have that festive glow!

From beautifully crafted origami decorations to simply lit fairy light sprigs – you can bring Christmas design into your home without it breaking the bank. Here at Wylde we like to be a little more daring with our design and absolutely love these dark colour schemes. From moody blues, dark emerald greens to slate greys and even black – take the plunge in larger spaces and make a statement with a dark-yet-classic Christmas scheme.

Whatever you decide to do with your decor this year – the Wylde team wish you a very Merry Christmas!