As interior designers and workplace consultants we pride ourselves in our effective and rapidly evolving solutions to the ever increasing, ever changing demands of the workplace. We’re constantly on the look out for new trends, new technologies and new ways that the workplace is adapting.

There have been major advancements in accessible technology in recent years – with all of us owning a smart phone making us consistently connected, every hour of the day. There have been studies that show how many of us are actually working when we’re not in the office and perhaps more importantly, when we’re not being paid for it. The days of clocking in and out of work are over! These findings have been met with a demand in changes to the way we work. Now, pressure is being put on the big bosses to consider the time we spend replying to emails or on the phone outside the office, as work.

Other organisations are leading the way with their altered attitude to what the workplace really is, allowing more and more of their staff to work flexibly and remotely.

Studies have shown that over 50% of UK workers are in roles that are eligible or “non-physical” enough for remote working. There would be a significant boost the UK economy if the time most of us spent commuting, was spent working!

Whilst relaxing in a tropical climate with your laptop open and your toes in the sand sounds wonderful, it’s actually highly impractical – Wylde IA girl Harriet worked remotely from Barcelona for two years and it’s just too bright outside to do any work on a screen! However, long gone are the assumptions that working remotely means you don’t get anything done. Time and time again, research has proven flexible working boosts morale and productivity with the majority of us actually doing more work when we work from home.

With conference calls and virtual meetings fast becoming the normal way to do international business – a no flexible working option will certainly be deemed detrimental to any business. We’re constantly on the move at Wylde IA, whilst Dairy Studios is our base in Bristol we work on many projects across the globe, simultaneously! We have clients, partners, freelancers and employees dotted all over the world and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Now, where shall we book flights to?