This week Wylde are exploring ways to work smart starting by changing the narrative. You can’t reply on motivation alone – motivation is too easily impacted by external factors so it’s crucial you have a back-up plan for when you just aren’t feeling it at work. In order to expand your potential and truly develop your practice it’s necessary to assess and begin to push the boundaries that you have created for yourself.

You might be fantastic at your job, but without stepping outside of your comfort zone, there is no space to grow. Start by analysing your ambitions and honing in on the areas that need improvement. Growth isn’t a comfortable experience, prepare for discomfort and uncertainty! It is necessary to accept the areas of work that are your weakest and focus on them in order to improve. Learn from mistakes and ask for help – your peers and colleagues can be a great support system and provide invaluable insight into strategies for success!

Change the narrative – find your goals and devise an absolute understanding of why these goals matter and are important to you. Think of your development as a training exercise as you would in the gym – start with small, achievable steps and as they become easy, increase the load – make tasks increasingly challenging so you can guarantee growth. Changing the narrative is all about settling into an openness to new information, new thinking and new boundaries!

As much as we’re all familiar with the idea if failure being a learning opportunity, it really is important to be pushing your work efforts into remits that you’re not entirely sure you’re capable of. Ask questions, source the answers and problem solving you require in order to make a success of a task you’ve never achieved before. Unchartered territory is welcome ground when it comes to changing mindsets and long-term achieving.

Finally for this week’s work smart Wylde insight – it’s all about celebrating development. It’s vital to acknowledge your achievements and take time to review the progress you’ve made and also to redirect, discover new opportunities and broaden your horizons!